This post in the Live a Little Local resolution series is to READ MORE!
This is a resolution that I can get behind. I have always been an avid reader and prone to enter any bookstore I see.
This list below will help you support your year of bibliophilia! Hoorah!
Idaho Falls
Idaho Falls Public Library
If you have a long list of books to read and don’t want the financial/clutter commitments, a library card is for you, my friend. I love the Idaho Falls Public Library. They have a great selection, and it is so easy to go in and check out books yourself. They have a lot of nice places to hang out and read too. No coffee shop yet, but hey The Villa Coffeehouse is within walking distance!
457 W Broadway St. Idaho Falls, ID
Eastern Idaho Book Swap
This is a fantastic outlet to buy and trade books with people in East Idaho. I have made some excellent trades already! You should definitely join. I need more people to trade with… 🙂
Walrus & Carpenter Books
In my opinion there aren’t enough local bookstores around these days! So, I am absolutely enthralled with Walrus and Carpenter. This bookstore is crammed with used books at really great prices. They also have new and popular books at the front of the store. I would have a hard time believing that you can’t find something you need. Perfect for the book-lover on your list!
251 N Main St. Pocatello, ID
Trip Taylor Bookseller
Trip Taylor Bookseller is a bookshop straight out of your favorite indie movie. With two stories of used books assembled in a bit of a maze, it is certainly possible to “get lost in a good book”…store. The upper level of the shop includes a rather cozy couch to browse your stacks of possible purchases. My favorite part of Trip Taylor? The long row filled with leather bound classics, which are great for reading as well as setting on your coffee table for company to admire.
210 N 10th St. Boise, ID

Trip Taylor Bookseller
Rediscovered Books
8th Street in Boise is filled with a lot of great resturaunts, a wonderful yoga studio, and a few cute clothing boutiques. It also has a fantastic bookstore! Rediscovered books has a wide selection of new and used books, and many books from local authors, whom you can read about on their website. They also offer ongoing book clubs for kids and adults, and frequently host book readings/signings with some incredible authors. Also, the staff is top notch at helping find just the right book to suit your interest!
180 N 8th St. Boise, ID
Booked on 25th
This is probs my fave bookstore, and that makes me sad, because I rarely am able to go there! It boasts as being Ogden’s Uncensored Bookstore which appeals to me on so many levels. The shop features interesting reads and has a great selection of both used and new books. They also hold events and book clubs. Once a month they hold a social justice book club that sounds amazing!
147 25th St. Ogden, UT
Join a Book Club!
Being part of a community is a fantastic way of holding yourself accountable in reaching goals! Book Clubs also offer the opportunity to reflect in-depth on the books you read and hear different perspectives. You can start your own through your local library’s Book Club Kit or join one that is already happening! A few of us in the Live a Little Local community are part of a Book Club crew that meets once a month at A Different Cup (amazing coffee) in Pocatello (typically 10:30am on a Saturday)! It is a new group, and we have read Secret Life of Bees and Sold. We are currently reading Kite Runner and have The House on Mango Street and All the Light we Cannot See in line next.
Supporting your 2018 reading goals and supporting local is easy and AWESOME!
Thank you to my fellow writers and Live a Little Local team: Sharece Mecham and Jordan Wixom
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